Friday, January 7, 2011

My 2011 Makeover

So far 2011 has started off as the year of improvements for me. Usually I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions, but this year, I'm not only making one resolution, I'm doing a complete makeover!

I'm BIG in home improvement right now. We were blessed with new furniture as a Christmas gift this year. That started the ball rolling for me...then I painted my dining room & entry hall. I've re-arranged the boys rooms, cleaned out our attic to get rid of a bunch of junk...I'm in operation "de-clutter mode". The problem is, the more I change things, the more I want to do. I'll have to remember to pace myself.

One of my other resolutions is like most people - I want to lose weight! But not just to be skinny, for me, it's more of an obedience thing. I've started off by taking baby steps so I won't be overwhelmed & quit. I also started exercising.
We got the Kinnect for the XBox 360 for Christmas, so I bought the "Zumba Dance Party". I've been shaking my hips (and everything else shakes too) trying to get in shape. Last night, I wanted my husband to see Zumba. He was laughing at me (in a joking way, not in a mean way). I told him that it wasn't as easy as it looked and for him to try it. Much to my surprise, he took the bait. He started trying to keep up with the lady on the screen, swaying & shaking, and breathing hard...breathing very hard...wait a minute, take a break there fella, don't hurt yourself (haha) He DID admit that it was harder than it looked. I wish I had a camera, I probably could have won some money on Funniest Home Videos. That's not to say that I think I looked good doing it. I'm very grateful for HOME exercise equipment!

I mentioned obedience as my reason for wanting to shed the pounds. That's part of my "extreme make over" this year. A call to obey God's leading through His Spirit in ALL areas of my life. That means exhibiting self control in the areas of eating, finances, teaching the kids about the Lord, spending quality time with Him, and hopefully writing in a journal.

I felt a little "stuck" last year, but I'm believing that God has some new things for me and I'm pressing on toward my destiny. However, I know I need more self control working in my life. God's plans for me are somewhat on hold (not out of punishment), but until I can develop this fruit (self-control). Otherwise, the very things God wants to bless me with, could end up hurting me if I'm not mature enough to handle it.

This is my "2011 Makeover" wish. So, 2011...bring it on! I pray that next year this time, I'll be reporting on the amazing, fruitful year I've had. I also pray that you will allow God to "makeover" any area in your life that needs a special touch. It doesn't have to be "extreme", maybe just a change in your heart, a tweak here & there. Whatever the case may be, I hope that you'll be every changing as we behold more of His glory.
2nd Cor. 3:18 "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! I need to do some of these things too.
