Monday, January 24, 2011

Jesus Doesn't Beg

As I was reading John 16 this morning, I was thinking about prayer. I wanted to share some thoughts with you...

Jesus is talking to His disciples about how he'll be leaving them. He said they would have sorrow for awhile, but it would turn to joy. He was of course referring to His death and resurrection. But the disciples didn't understand what He was talking about...
How many times do we not understand what Jesus is trying to tell us?
However, they didn't just ask Jesus what He was trying to say. Instead, they discussed it among themselves.
How often do we talk to our friends, family, pastors, etc., before and instead of going straight to the Lord for answers?
Then in John 16:19, Jesus asked them a question that showed His ability to discern their thoughts. We know that He didn't just overhear their conversation, because in vs. 30, His disciples said "Now we are sure that You know all things, and have no need that anyone should question You. By this we now believe that You came forth from God." Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, was given a "word of knowledge". This same gift from the Holy Spirit, that caused the disciples to believe in Jesus, is available to us today.

But the part that stuck out to me this morning was in the following verses:

John 16:23-24 - "In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Very truly I tell you, My Father will give you whatever you ask in My name. Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." (NIV)

John 16:26-27 - "In that day you will ask in My name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. No, the Father Himself loves you because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God." (NIV)
Because of the cross, Jesus now has "all AUTHORITY in Heaven and on earth". But then He shared His authority with us when He told us to pray in His name.

Rom. 8:34 says Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us...but don't get the impression that Jesus has beg God to answer our prayers. John 26-27 clearly shows that isn't the case! Jesus blood is our access to the Father - it's as if He's saying "Father, listen to this one, they're one of mine". And because we love His Son, God the Father loves us and is more than willing to answer our prayers.

This encourages me because I'm reminded that God is for me, and He's not having to be persuaded to hear my prayers. I ask in the name of His Son, but I can come boldly to the throne.

So let's be bold in our requests to the Father this week, praying with the authority that He has given us in Jesus name and see what great things God will do. I keep hearing people say that 2011 is the year to believe BIG.


  1. Thank you for that reminder Angie. You're right. We don't have to persuade God to hear us.

    Love you,

  2. Sooo many points to consider here. Yeah, why do we talk amongst ourselves instead of just going to God. And Jesus didn't As I was soaking all this in, my ears started hurting! And that reminded me to take it all in with my spirit, not my ears. I have a feeling this message will play a BIG part in this new year. Very good stuff, my dear sister. Very good!
