Friday, December 11, 2009

Praise Report

Last week I posted a prayer request for a fellow blogger's daughter, Katie. Jackie at Fresh oil Today gave an awesome testimony of what God has done for Katie over the past 5 days. If you want to be encouraged today that God is STILL in the miracle working business, go check out her blog. Thanks to all of you who prayed.


  1. Sweet Friend,

    Thank you for your kind words on my site. You are a sweetheart.

    As I said at Jackie's said, I am in so much awe at what our Lord does, His divine intervention, His miraculous healings and what a great Christmas gift for all of them. I'm continuing to stand firm on His Word, His Promises and miraculous healing for my husband's heart and vessels, complete restoration of his brain and so much more. Praise God! I love Him So.


  2. I know, isn't God awesome? I can't wait to hear the rest of the details. She really had me worried for a while there...
