Here's a quote from a friend of ours that I loved, so I decided to steal it,
"We survived an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week here in North Carolina. There's something we can tell our grandchildren one day."After Bobby and I were married in 1996, we came back from our honeymoon just in time to experience Hurricane Fran. It was a long night of wondering if our new home would hold up under the intense wind and rain. We watched our creek become a lake, getting uncomfortably close to the house, and we lost power for a week and a half. A giant tree fell in our backyard, but thankfully it landed sideways and not on the house. We had no cash, no food, not much gas, no water, and no ice. We ended up eating the top of our wedding cake (that I was going to freeze and save for our first anniversary).
So, when I heard Hurricane Irene might be headed our way, I decided I was going to be prepared. I shopped for food, water, flashlights, batteries, everything they tell you to get. Thank goodness we didn't end up needing any of these things here where I live. But I did stay glued to the t.v. to see what was happening just east of our town. My heart goes out to all those who lost a loved one, and/or had damage to their property.
There are many crisis going on today, whether it be natural disasters, or the economy, unemployment, divorce, etc. I can not stress enough the importance of praying for our Country (starting with our own homes, the "Church", your community, local government, on up to the Government...pray!!!) I'm not always in agreement with the direction of our Nation, but I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. I can't always say I'm proud of our decisions, but I am very loyal and patriotic. However, when I saw this picture of the damage from Hurricane Irene, it reminded of something very important. . .
We are first and foremost, children of the Kingdom of God, and secondly, Americans.
No matter what happens in the present or future, it's good to know that I am a part of a Kingdom that can not be shaken! (Hebrews 12:28)