Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You Asked for What ? ? ?

Guess what...I got a new phone yesterday! It's a Droid 2, with all the bells & whistles. I don't even know what I'm doing, but I already love it! My hubby & I went to the store because we had an upgrade credit, but we also found out we get a monthly discount through his company. This news changed our plans from me getting a regular phone, to getting the phone of my dreams. I love when something good and unexpected happens!

Also, my friend Beth at I'm Heading Towards My Destiny sent me a package in the mail - she had all my blogs from 2009 until January 2011 printed into a beautiful book. I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. Another great surprise!

In the past, I've sometimes had a hard time accepting gifts without feeling guilty, or as though I "owe" someone something in return. Freely giving is much easier for me than freely receiving.

Bobby & I we praying together this morning and he asked God for something. It wasn't anything we needed, just a desire on our hearts that would bless our family. We have many things we NEED, so it was interesting that he would make this particular request.
Immediately my mind started thinking "would God really answer a prayer like that?"
Even as I was about to entertain that thought, I sensed the Lord was trying to teach me something. For years I struggled with the lie that good things happen for other people. Feelings of unworthiness, undeserving, lack of understanding God's love - whatever the root of it, it's a lie of the enemy to keep me from enjoying God's grace & favor. The Word says I am God's child, and a joint heir with Christ! I'm the "apple of His eye", and "He loves me with an everlasting love".

Often times God isn't the one putting stipulations on blessing us, we are. I was the one thinking only of what we NEEDED. This is NOT how I deal with my own children. I don't say "well, I know you want a birthday party, but you don't need one. All you really need is a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food on the table.
"If you being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will my Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask".
So, I'm asking God to completely change my mindset once & for all. I want to proclaim God's goodness and show off His faithfulness! He's
leading me to believe that He wishes to make a distinction between His people and those who don't know Him (Malachi 3:18). That He would be glorified and others would notice and be drawn to us (and ultimately Him). The world will say "what is it that is different about you?", or "I want what you have". We (the Church) will be the answer for the rest of the world as they see our God at work in our lives, while they are struggling in many different areas. We'll be able to point to our Savior and say "He is the only answer".

So help me Lord, to believe and accept ALL things you have for me. Things I need, and even things I desire. Help me not to be afraid to ask You, as my Heavenly Father, just as a child trusts and asks their loving Father for good things.


  1. Amen and congrats on the new phone! The scripture says, "I came to give you life and life more abundantly."

  2. Ewwwww, I love your new phone!!! How exciting! And what a great word about expecting God to want to bless us! I could work on this myself.

    (And I'm so glad you like your blog book.)

