Thursday, June 10, 2010


It's over! School is finally out for the Summer. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've worked hard this year, LOL. I was watching the end of the year slide show in my son's 2nd grade class.

I was thinking to myself, "I was at that field trip, and that one, yep, that one too.

I was there when...

- they decorated the cookies for the "Winter Holiday" (otherwise known to me as Christmas)
- when they made candles
- when they pet a snake
- when they had "Cultural Day".
- when they had their Talent Show
- they had Field Day
- they had the School Play

I have...

- helped with 180 days of homework for a 2nd & 4th grader
- made countless lunches
- volunteered in the class 2 days a week helping the kids read
- served many a snack to the students for every holiday & special event
- helped throw a baby shower for my oldest son's teacher

on & on & on it's been a wonderful experience. I've enjoyed getting to know the students in my kids classes. I'm extremely grateful that I've been allowed this time as a stay-at-home Mom to invest in my children's lives.

But...I'm exhausted. I don't think I worked this hard at times when I did have a job outside the home.

You know what??? I wouldn't have it any other way.

Congratulations to my boys. I am now the proud parent of a rising 3rd & 5th grader! I can't believe how fast it's going. My oldest only has one more year at elementary and then it's on to Middle School - YIKES!

I know that he probably won't ask me to come to the school and volunteer then, so I better do all I can now.

Happy Summer everyone!


  1. Congrats to your boys for a job well done my friend.

  2. Congrats to you. I let my son pet the snake--once it had its head removed. :-) Have a great summer.
